I guide and support conscious creators to be themselves for a living -

To live a life where they can truly and authentically be themselves, sharing their unique gifts and talents with the world, and doing it all with ease, grace, flow, and fun! It's a journey of self-discovery, a pathway to abundance, and a celebration of your true essence.

My Personal Story

I started my career as a spiritual and intuitive healer, which was my passion and allowed me to be a stay-at-home mom. However, when I became pregnant with my fourth child, life took an unexpected turn. Despite my immense efforts to heal myself and my marriage, I came to the painful realization that staying in the relationship was no longer an option.

When I told my husband I wanted a divorce, he would not accept it and became abusive - he told me that if I wanted to be without him, I had to do it on my own. So, I suddenly found myself a single mother and sole provider for my four sons.

I fell into despair not knowing how I would be able to support myself and my four sons. I could not continue doing healing because I myself was a mess. Initially, I fought my ex-husband trying to get him to pay maintenance, but that was a huge waste of my time and energy and was unsuccessful due to the corrupt and ineffective judicial system in South Africa.

Nevertheless, the universe had other plans for me. As fate would have it, my healing clients started inviting me into their companies to do 'spiritual' work under the guise of stress management. This led me down the road of corporate facilitation and coaching, which I enjoyed immensely. I also started working part-time to get a bit of stable income while I built up my coaching and facilitation business.

Still, the road to financial stability was a struggle. It wasn't until 1993, when my ex-husband tragically passed away in a car accident, that I realized I indeed had to fully embrace the role of sole parent and sole provider to my four sons. I started to work on myself spiritually with the Law of Attraction, figuring out how I could do this with EASE and GRACE rather than STRESS and STRUGGLE. Serendipitously, I got offered a job at an NPO where I could do meaningful work and I was able to have financial stability. I worked at that NPO for 9 years but from around year 3, I started to realize that I was not living my best life - yes, I was doing meaningful work and contributing to a better world - but I was not being the best version of myself. My spiritual healer/intuitive side was completely suppressed. There were a number of nudges and signs that I should leave, but I stayed because I loved the work and I had got comfortable with the secure income. Eventually, due to politics in the organization that I could not ignore, I decided to leave. I did not have another job to step into; my coaching and facilitation practice was non-existent because I had put all my time and effort into the NPO; but I knew I had to leave. (I have come to realize that I was hiding from my greatness and that the Universe rewards the brave.)

My spirit was calling me to connect to the true me - the spiritual/intuitive me. The me that loves horses and believes in their healing ability. The me that believes in the Law of Attraction and how to use it. The me who is passionate about Ubuntu; South Africa and creating a better world for all. I kept hearing my Guides saying: 'You need to be yourself for a living! And not just you, everybody. This is what the next spiritual step is for humanity - for people to discover their unique talents and gifts and offer them to the world.' I started focusing passionately on the Law of Attraction and everything in my life just got better and better. Friends and colleagues started noticing and coming to me to help them fine-tune their vibrations. It became obvious that this is my unique talent and gift to the world - to support already spiritually aware people fine-tune their vibration and manifestations so that they can truly be the best versions of themselves

My sons when they were younger

My sons as grown men

Hi, I'm Dina Cramer


"If you are as excited and passionate about The Law of Attraction and living the life of your dreams as I am, then I would love to work with you!"

I'm an internationally qualified professional coach (ICF PCC), soft skills facilitator, energetic healer, business owner, author and single mom to four boys, with an Honours Degree in Psychology.

I have been working with the Teachings of Abraham for many years now and I am skilled in assisting people working with the Law of Attraction to understand and implement it into their lives successfully and impact-fully.

I'm a published author and and have written articles on coaching, stress management and meditation for The Citizen newspaper and a couple of other publications. I have also been a guest on various television and radio stations.

I am known for my intuitive style in discovering blockages in the energy system, which cause physical, emotional, and spiritual dis-ease.I have successfully integrated my psychological and spiritual healing knowledge in order to create dynamic personal, spiritual and corporate development programmes aimed at bringing spirituality into everyday life. I also facilitate the full range of corporate soft skills and wellness workshops and facilitate team development sessions.

As a subject matter expert on all areas of law of attraction, coaching, personal and spiritual development; I am definitely your go to person if you are looking to take your attraction to the next level...

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